Eunice Park

I’m a new yogi. Trying out yoga at Inner Fire Yoga (IFY) this January was a gift to myself for finishing grad school in December 2022. I was hoping to recover from the intense, focused work of a PhD. Looking back, it would’ve been nice to practice yoga during my PhD…

In fact, I had sporadically tested out various yoga and meditation (aerial yoga, flow yoga, YouTube, even hot yoga at some point!) at different times in my life, but none of those experiences spoke to me. They never lasted more than a week or so. What is it they say? Timing is everything? It probably had to be here and now. To invite yoga to my day-to-day as a regular practice, I started my own little “21 days of yoga challenge” on February 23, which is to practice for 21 days in a row! (Yes, I’m always thinking of ways to make things easier and more fun!)

I most appreciate the originalists at IFY (Kerry, Dr. Ruddy, Dar, Marit, Michael) and their classes on original hot yoga (Bikram yoga) offered in 60, 75, and 90 minutes. This style of yoga is highly disciplined with designated water breaks and no fidgeting between poses. Being a grownup, everything falls onto me to make small and big decisions for myself. Following their guidance, instructions, and suggestions for adjustment during these sessions is oddly comforting.

My favorite is 90-minute sessions as they give me a second chance every other minute for every single asana. I can be more generous and gracious to myself. I can be more playful by being fierce and calm at the same time. I can focus on great effort in asana and completely surrender in savasana. I am learning how to live a life through yoga, reconciling a million things through my breathing.

I was once told that only those who have good karma can truly experience yoga; and that it is a privilege and luxury to be able to practice yoga. It is true. I rely on what my body and mind can offer today and that is all there is; me and my practice. I am grateful for yet another day to be able to practice in this friendly and supportive community at Inner Fire Yoga! :)


Tona Williams


Kyle Caldwell