Susan Huber


I grew up on a horse farm and have vivid memories of doing too many chores alongside my older siblings. Think of a ten-year old girl wearing pigtails and hauling 50-pound buckets of water and 75-pound bales of hay. Too much heavy lifting for a young body, combined with competitive sports led to serious lower back pain and knee problems by the time I was twenty. My doctor suggested yoga, but it wasn’t until after college - when a friend invited me to a class - did I give it a try. That was 25 years ago.

I’ve always been drawn to the more physical practices (Ashtanga, Power, Inner Fire Flow), and I pushed too hard when I first began practicing - as though it was a competition. Fortunately, a wise and kind teacher gently pulled me aside after class one day and suggested I “surrender” to the yoga practice and focus on my breath. I gradually felt a shift in my practice and in my life once I understood what this meant. Less striving, more ease. 

For years, I bought ten and twenty “class passes” but not until I committed to a membership did things really change for me. With “class passes” I would find a teacher I liked and stick to their classes. I wouldn’t try other teachers because I wanted a “sure thing.” Once I became a member, I tried out lots of classes and realized there were MANY I liked, which inspired me to go to yoga several times a week. I’m stronger, calmer, more patient and grounded (on the good days!) because of my yoga practice. I’m also virtually pain-free. 

I’m a regular at Karen’s Saturday morning Inner Fire Flow class and those close to me have said I plan my life around this class. It’s true. I love seeing the familiar faces, I love hearing when there’s a new student in class and what that might hold for them, I love the energy I get from the community, and I love Karen’s playlists! It’s like a workout, therapy, inspiration, and community – all packed into 75 minutes. What can beat that? Thank you, Karen!

I just started the Inner Fire Yoga Teacher Training program (Foundations + Power) in early October and will finish next March. It’s challenging, fun, humbling and exciting and I have an even greater appreciation for all the skilled and inspiring teachers at Inner Fire Yoga!


Burgandy Basulto


Eena Taylor