Top 5 Gift Ideas for Yoga Moms

by Hannah Moran, Inner Fire Yoga Teacher and Marketing Manager

Looking for a heartfelt Mother’s Day gift for your yoga-loving supermom? Look no further! Nothing says “I love you, Mom,” like a thoughtful, yoga-themed gift to help her stay motivated in her yoga practice.

My mother is the one who inspired me to try yoga in the first place. I remember following along to a Denise Austin VHS tape (remember those?) in the living room when I was a teenager, my mother breathing deeply and moving through the poses next to me. She was really just trying to get me to engage in some physical activity, but little did she know she was sending me on a life-long path of yoga! Needless to say, a yoga-themed Mother’s Day gift is extra appropriate for my mother :)

If you know an awesome yogi mom, too, why not treat her to a thoughtful, yoga-themed gift this year? In case you need some inspiration, here are my top 5 yoga-related Mother’s Day gift ideas for 2023:

1) Yoga and Brunch Date

Personally, I like gifting an experience rather than more stuff that most of us already have too much of (although you will see some “stuff” options below if that floats your boat). So I love the idea of taking your mom out for a yoga class followed by a classic favorite, Mother’s Day Brunch. Make some memories – the best gift of all!

Every studio is a little bit different, but at Inner Fire Yoga we offer free guest passes for members. So if you’re a member at Inner Fire Yoga and your mom is local (or visiting), use one of your guest passes on Mom and then take her out for a delicious brunch! My favorite brunch spots in Madison are Monty’s Blue Plate Diner (east side Madison), Cafe Hollander (west side Madison / Hilldale) and Pancake Cafe (west side Madison and Fitchburg locations).

2) New Yoga Mat

Always a great gift for yogis, moms or otherwise! The thing about moms is that they often forget to treat themselves when they’re always looking after others. We all know how worn out yoga mats can get, and it’s easy to put off getting a new one. Save your yogi mom the trouble and make the upgrade for her!

My favorite: the Manduka eKO 5mm yoga mat. It’s durable, anti-slip, and has plenty of cushioning. Plus, it’s currently in-stock at both Inner Fire Yoga studios in a variety of colors!

3) Meditation Cushion

Give the gift of inner peace. ☮️Well, she’ll still have to put in the work to get that inner peace… But at least you can provide the place for it! A place to sit down and be truly alone with oneself – a total luxury for most moms.

Mine was actually a gift from my mother many years ago, but I loved mine so much that my sister and I got one for her the following year. She absolutely loves hers! She uses it almost every day.

You can get them for pretty cheap at any big store that sells activewear, like TJ Maxx, but I like the Taraluna brand because their products are ethically made, fair trade and organic, not to mention beautiful products.

4) “Mamaste” – by Lori Bregman

This fun and actionable book is a great read for expecting or new moms. It addresses five unique “expressions of motherhood,” embracing compassion towards yourself and others, and empowering yourself and your fellow mamas through a lens of self-awareness and mindfulness – “yoga-adjacent” topics, if you will.

Lori Bregman is a Los Angeles–based doula and healer, and the founder of the Rooted for Life Pregnancy Coaching Program.

5) Gift Card to Your Local Yoga Studio

When it comes down to it, the best yoga gift of all is always going to be yoga itself. Practicing in a studio community has so many benefits: the support and motivation of other yogis, the heat, the dedicated yoga space – all things that are either impossible or very difficult to achieve at home.

So if you want a slam dunk gift for your yoga mom, find a local studio that you can feel good supporting and get her a gift card! For all the Madison yoga moms out there, Inner Fire Yoga is the clear choice for a high-quality hot yoga experience. Get an Inner Fire Yoga gift card here!

When it comes down to it, the most important thing is to gift from the heart. Be thoughtful about it and show your mama that she raised you right!

What are your favorite Mother’s Day gift ideas for yoga moms? Leave it in the comments!
Happy Mother’s Day, Yoga Moms 🙂


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