Shelby Capp

Inner Fire Yoga East Studio Assistant

My name is Shelby Capp, I am 20 years old and I am currently studying Psychology at Madison College! Yoga has been a part of my life ever since Elementary school. I grew up in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and moved to Wisconsin in 2016. My childhood best friend’s mom taught aerial yoga in New Jersey on weekends and we loved to tag along! When I reached high school, I took yoga every semester my schedule allowed. It anchored my mental health, fostering tranquility in the chaos. Yoga whispers self-love, it’s helped me discover a profound acceptance of myself, irrespective of societal ideals. One thing I value most about yoga is learning to be more comfortable with discomfort. Yoga has sculpted me into a more resilient, empathetic, and self-aware being. 

My second year of college was a stormy sea of challenges, especially on the mental health front. Academic pressures, personal transitions, and the demands of daily life were beyond overwhelming. The weight of the expectations I was putting on myself was suffocating. I wasn’t doing yoga at all during this time but did practice meditation occasionally. After a few months of struggling, I found sanctuary in yoga. It was still inconsistent, but it helped me get back on my feet again. I learned to observe my thoughts without judgment, allowing them to come and go. The beginning of this newfound mental clarity provided respite from pressure I didn’t realize I was putting on myself. Yoga provides me with a process of self-discovery and healing. The journey is never ending and that’s the best part of it. This year of my life tested my limits but also revealed a profound strength that resided within.

When not at the studio, you’d probably find me reading a horror book or writing poetry by the lake! I can also be a huge homebody. I have a cat named Onyx who loves to indulge in some Dance Moms and Brooklyn Nine-Nine with me, so sometimes it’s impossible to resist the urge to snuggle up and watch Jake Peralta solve some crime. On weekends I love to get together with the girls, play some games, and watch all three Pitch Perfect movies back to back. I’m so grateful for the opportunity to join such a wonderful, accepting community like IFY. I’m super excited to be part of the family :)