Dr. Ruddy, ND

Inner Fire Yoga Teacher

I am a Hot Yoga teacher and also a practicing Naturopathic Doctor. I began my yoga practice years ago following my recovery from a debilitating physical injury (vertebral compression fracture) sustained during an auto-vehicle accident. My dedicated Hot Yoga practice eventually led me to complete my teacher training certification in Los Angeles, CA in the summer of 2004. Teaching and practicing Hot Yoga soon became the cornerstone of my subsequent pursuit and journey into the world of natural medicine, culminating in the completion of my 4-year medical education at Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine along with 2 years of clinical rotations at the Southwest Naturopathic Medical Center in Arizona. I find the regular practice of Hot Yoga to be one of the most effective healing modalities in many of my students’ and patients’ lives.


  • HeartMath Techniques Clinician Training, 2015

  • Bikram Yoga College of India Certification, 2000