Yoga Poses & Recipes for Healthy Digestion


Written by: Various Inner Fire Yoga Teachers and Staff

Poor digestion affects millions of people every day - but practicing yoga and a healthy diet can help!

We asked our teachers and staff which yoga poses and recipes make their bellies feel happy and healthy - here’s what they said...

Sandra & Ken’s Pick:

Half Lord of the Fishes, AKA Seated Spinal Twist (Ardha Matsyendrasana)


Benefits: Stimulates liver and kidneys. Stretches hip, shoulders, and neck. Energizes the spine. Stimulates digestion.

Method: Sit on floor with legs straight out in front. Bend one knee and place outside of foot by opposite hip with knee resting towards floor. Bend the other leg and cross it over with foot on outside of opposite knee with knee pointed to ceiling. Bring the same hand as the top leg behind you and twist into that leg. Opposite arm can cross to outside of opposite knee. Keep level hips on floor.

Modifications: If hips unleveled, straighten bottom leg. Spinal twist can be performed in supine position.

Claire’s Pick:

Crescent Lunge w/Twist (variation of High Lunge and Anjaneyasana)


Benefits: Increases spinal flexibility, builds strength, promotes digestion.

Method: From High Lunge pose, bring hands together in prayer. Twist into front leg with opposite elbow on outside or top of leg. Twist from the spine away towards the outside of the leg. The back leg is straight and active. Drishti is beyond the fingertips.

Modifications: Put knee down as a variation of low lunge.

Ally’s Pick:
Reclined Bound Angle (Supta Baddha Konasana)

Benefits: Opens pelvis. Stretches inner thighs. Relaxes spine. Relaxes the belly.

Method: Lay in supine position. With soles of the feet together, let knees relax out to the sides. Rest arms away from body. Keep low back pressing down and shoulders away from the ears.

Modifications: Support outer thighs with blocks or blankets. Lay a bolster beneath the spine. Perform seated instead of reclined.

Winnie’s Pick:

Standing Bow Pose (Natarajasana)


Benefits: Strengthens ankles and legs. Stretches front of spine, chest, shoulders, and abdomen. Improves confidence and balance.

Method: In standing pose, shift weight into one foot and lift opposite heel towards back of hip and bend the knee. Pick up that foot with same hand from the inside. Stretch the arm of the standing leg up to the ceiling and keep arm straight. Lift back leg up and away from torso bending the back. Stretch opposite hand forward in front of torso. Drishti (gaze) is past the hand or slightly elevated.

Modifications: Stand against the wall with lifted arm as a support.

Nora’s Pick:

ExtendedChild’s Pose (Uttthita Balasana)


Benefits: Releases tension in hips, knees, ankles, low back. Relaxes mind, releases stress, preparation for class, or resting pose during class. Allows release from outside. Gently opens the body for practice or allows recovery from intense practice.

Method: Bring knees wide and big toes together, push hips back to rest on heels, stretch arms forward, relax forehead to the floor. Allow back to lengthen and torso to sink into the mat.

Modifications: For knee issues, keep hips high and knees bent 90 degrees. A blanket or block can be used to support the hips.

Hannah’s Pick:

Wind-Relieving Pose (Pavanamuktasana)


Benefits: Stimulates the digestive system.

Method: Lay in supine position. Bend one knee and interlace fingers below kneecap. Pull leg into abdominal wall, hugging knee to chest. Switch sides. Then pull both knees into the chest, wrapping forearms around knees and grabbing opposite elbows.

Modifications: Pull legs to the side if pregnant.

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Victoria’s Picks:

Breakfast: Summer Berry Parfait with cashew milk yoghurt, strawberries, lemon zest, and walnuts.

Lunch: Butter lettuce & romaine salad with fresh tomato, basil, and toasted shallot; garnished with homemade croutons* and balsamic glaze 

Dinner: Thai stir-fry with broccoli, carrot, Shiitake mushroom, and edamame; served with brown rice, avocado, & sesame seeds 

Liz’s Pick:

Here's a delish homemade Golden Milk recipe that's my go-to - yum! -Liz


  • 3/4 c. light coconut milk (canned is best, but carton works too) + 3/4 c. unsweetened plain almond milk OR 1-1/2 c. dairy milk

  • 3/4 t. ground turmeric

  • 1/4 t. ground cinnamon or 1/2 cinnamon stick

  • dash ground ginger

  • dash cardamom

  • pinch ground black pepper (do use this it makes a difference!)

  • 1 t. coconut oil

  • 1 t. sweetener of choice (i.e. honey, maple syrup, coconut sugar, or stevia to taste)

Directions: To a small saucepan add all ingredients. Whisk to combine and warm over medium heat. Heat until hot to the touch but not boiling - about 4 minutes - whisking frequently. Turn off heat and taste to adjust flavor. Add more sweetener to taste or more turmeric or ginger for intense spice + flavor. Serve immediately. Makes 1 drink. Adapted from

Marit’s Picks:

First thing in the morning, before I drink tea (black with a little milk), I drink a 12 oz glass of room temperature water with a swelling capful of Bragg Organic Apple Cider Vinegar (shake it first to disperse the "mother"). This keeps the digestive system clean, the gut balanced and the urinary tract running smoothly. To be truthful, there are not a lot of studies on the benefits of consuming ACV for health, but it certainly feels "right" to me and thus, even if it is just a placebo effect, it works!  Also I recommend a lemon squeeze in your water all day long. This keeps the gut alkaline. 🥳

Winnie’s Pick:

Jenny Allen’s Fruit Salad recipe from! Click to view full recipe :)

Ken’s Pick:

Roasted Asparagus


  • Fresh asparagus

  • Extra virgin olive oil

  • Everything bagel seasoning

  • Salt & pepper to taste

Directions: On a cookie sheet, spread evenly the freshest asparagus you can find.  Drizzle extra virgin olive oil over asparagus. Generously sprinkle Everything Bagel seasoning over the top. Roast in the oven at 400 degrees until desired texture. Usually 7-10 minutes. Enjoy!

Nora’s pick:

Almond Granola with Dried Fruit from! Click to view full recipe :)

Nora’s Notes: It makes a huge amount but is infinitely adaptable depending on taste. Sugar/oil can be scaled back (I do by half or two-thirds,) as well. Other fun add-ins are coconut chips, chia/pumpkin/flax seeds.

Claire’s pick:

Watermelon & Tomato Salad


  • 4-6 large tomatoes, ideally heirloom varieties, cut into 1.25 inch cubes

  • 1 small seedless watermelon cut into 1.25 inch cubes

  • 1 teaspoon kosher salt (plus more to taste)

  • Freshly ground black pepper to taste

  • 2 tablespoons sherry vinegar

  • 1 cup feta cheese, torn into large crumbles

Mix all the oils & spices, cut up all the produce, mix it all together, and enjoy!

What are your favorite yoga poses and/or recipes for healthy digestion? Let us know in the comments below!


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